Tuesday, 21 June 2016

soo... waiting.and more waiting

I haven't blogged in a long time, around seven months I believe. I'm in an unsettled place right now, with many routes to explore but the options still seem limited to me. For the past 4 months I have felt that I have been constantly waiting....waiting for confirmation, waiting for notification, waiting for reassurance. And now I am having to wait again after receiving my answers. It's not in my control and I am trying very hard to keep faith but I'm tired and it doesn't always remain at the front of my thoughts.

Should I ride out the storm? Do I turn back if I don't reach that goal? Do I change tack and follow a new path? I feel like I am sitting crossed legged in the middle of a cross roads, waiting for a message that someone may think about letting me down their road. It's an odd feeling. I have no clue what will happen to me in the next two weeks. I'm concerned but not worried, I don't know whats going on but I'm trying to be patient. I feel idle, I'm unable to hasten anything, but the things I can do something about, I struggle to complete them.

Trust means nothing without any risk attached. I hope I get some responses soon.

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